what We do

We Ensure Food Security and Livelihood (FSL)

ALO has been implementing FSL programs since 2018 in collaboration UNFAO, Bread of the World and Care international in Canal pigi, Uror, Nyirol, Akobo, Abienholm and Bor South Counties. The projects involve emergency livelihood kits (crop, fishing and vegetable seeds and agricultural tools) and fuel-efficient stoves distribution to support the most food insecure and displaced households. In these programming, ALO also conducts capacity strengthening initiatives including training on sustainable agriculture, climate information downscaling, water harvest and integrated pest control. Other training includes artisans, tailoring, dress making, bread making, soap making, village savings and loans associations support targeted for women and youths in the affected communities. The FSL response is linked to various Sustainable Development Goals including 1, 2, 8,10, 13 and 16 most importantly to “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture”.

Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

ALO has extensive experience implementing WASH programming both in the communities and specialized settings (schools). This involves construction of emergency WASH facilities, conducting hygiene and sanitation campaigns in in the schools and communities, training of hand pump mechanics, water management committees repair and rehabilitation of boreholes across various counties in South Sudan. Our WASH response is linked to UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 of “Ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”

We Promote Education

ALO has and extensive experience implementing education in emergencies programs. The goal of our education programming is to ensure that school going children and youth access safe and quality learning opportunities. This includes capacity strengthening of teachers and students, school infrastructure development through the establishment/rehabilitation of learning spaces, gender segregated WASH facilities, administrative blocks, water harvesting facilities among others. Currently, ALO is implementing a three-year integrated education, WASH and protection project in Akobo in collaboration with Save the Children. The project runs through 2024 to 2026 and involves construction on semi-permeant learning spaces, rehabilitation of TLS, construction of gender segregated latrines, training and payment of volunteer teachers among other activities. Also, ALO is implementing an emergency education project in Rokon, Juba County in collaboration with Help A child, Save the Children and other South Sudan Joint Response partners in response to recent displacement from Tambura County.

We Improve Public Health Care

Life-threatening diseases such as malaria and cholera are still widespread. We run public health education programs and help to improve the provision of public health services

We Send Out Volunteers and Professional Workers

Our partner organizations have their own well-trained staff. But where there happens to be a lack of specialist knowledge, ALO provides experienced South Sudan -based professionals.

We Defend Women Human Rights

Human rights are trampled under- foot just about everywhere. We defend women and girls who are the victims of violence or injustice. Besides, promoting women’s leadership and political participation.

We Care for the Shelter NFI:

ALO is the alternate S-NFI cluster site focal point for Akobo County. ALO has been implementing SNFI programming including distribution of dignity kits to women and girls, training on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) and support the construction of emergency shelter for the displaced persons

We Support Protection and GBV:

Since 2020, ALO has implemented various programs in child protection and GBV in various locations in South Sudan. The aim is to eradicate the involvement and recruitment of children in armed conflicts and ensure gender equality where women participate equally in community development and their access to and control over productive resources. In collaboration with other actors, ALO has been training teachers, women, girls and caretakers on psychosocial and mental health support. ALO has also established and supported a comprehensive child protection reporting and referral mechanisms in supported schools. The programming is linked to SDG goal 5 and 10 “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”